Tuesday 17 November 2015

Cotton Traders Kindness Box #CTWorldKindnessDay

Some of you may not know that Friday 13th November was World Kindness Day. Well you do now!
I actually didn't know myself until Cotton Traders got in touch with me asked if I would like to be part of their campaign, which of course I was more than happy to!

Being a kind person is something that is very important to me.
I try to go out of my way to be kind, helpful and thoughtful whenever possible because I simply adore seeing people happy. Knowing that my little act of kindness put a smile on their face is just the cherry on the cake!

How amazing is it that there is a WHOLE DAY dedicated just to being kind?
I think with the current state of affairs a bit of love and kindness is just what we need.

So, Cotton Traders sent me a Kindness Box full of lovely, cosy things. Opening the box and having a rummage around felt like Christmas come early so they definitely achieved their goal of spreading a little happiness. (Thanks guys!). Unfortunately the box didn't actually arrive in time for World Kindness Day which is a shame but cosy socks, a gorgeous mug and a hot water bottle are always welcome in my life.

The socks have barely left my feet and the mug hasn't been empty since I received them. (FYI the socks are like little clouds wrapped around my feet. YES.) They were the perfect gifts and now I can't wait to fill the box back up and send it on to someone else to share the love and spread some kindness, and I really hope she will do something kind for someone else in return.

Hold open a door for someone; give up your seat on the bus; offer to help someone with their bags; if someone drops something, walk an extra minute or two out of your way to give it back to them; give everyone you see a big old smile;make conversation with the old man on the bus; give someone your change if you see them a bit short on cash; buy a homeless person who looks a bit chilly a coffee.

The options are literally endless. Literally.  You just don't know what teeny, tiny inconsequential thing you do for someone might make their day a little better. :-)
These are the actions I try to fill my life with on a daily basis and it is so easy!!
I think we are all intrinsically nice people but sometimes we just need a little reminder or nudge in the right direction. *nudge nudge*

Please try and do a kind act and brighten someones day as my Cotton Traders Kindness Box did for me!
Read more about their lovely campaign here - http://www.cottontraders.com/uk/page/thread-10-11-2015


  1. This looks like a lovely little box of goodies! With so much negativity in the world right now, I think it's important that we all work together and support one another to create a much more positive environment. x

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

  2. Ooh, this little box of goodies would have certainly put a smile on my face, how lovely! I saw the hashtag on Twitter but I had no idea until then that it was World Kindness Day :) x

    Viva Epernay | Penhaligon's Giveaway

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