Friday 5 May 2017

7 Things to Watch on Netflix This Month

 Martin and I got pretty bored of Netflix and committed fully to watching The Office. We tried really hard to find some gems in between, though and I think we succeeded! Definitely take a look at our seven picks to watch this month. 

The Fundamentals of Caring
Anything I see with Paul Rudd in it I’m instantly going to click on. (Even though he’ll always be Crap Bag to me). Selena Gomez AKA my ultimate girl crush, was a welcome surprise too. I loved this honest and genuinely funny story of a guy with no caring experience becoming a carer – in the same vane as Me Before You but less sickeningly romantic and weepy. 

Thursday 4 May 2017

Why I Don't Hate Instagram

dont hate instagram algorithm

Short answer: It's not that big a deal.

Yes, it's kind of annoying. Especially because it didn't need to happen - why ruin a good thing? But in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter, and it can easily be spun into a positive.


Tuesday 2 May 2017

Home Buyer Diaries #3: Post-Survey Stress

I've hinted in a few posts that we've found another house, but I haven't wanted to scream and shout about it because we haven't yet signed the contract. And, of course, based on our experience thus far we DEFINITELY aren't in the all clear. I'm still slightly aware and terrified that they're going to steal this one away from us, too. I literally couldn't even bear it.

The house is definitely more perfect for us than the house that we lost. (Everything defo happens for a reason!!). We really love this one - all stone walls, quarry tiles, spiral staircases and climbing flowers around the front door. Swoon. I cannot wait to be living in it and making it ours with all our furniture and paint and bits n bobs. Mr Puddles can climb stairs for the first time!

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