Thursday 17 September 2015

8 Photos of Happiness Tag

I was tagged by the oh-so-lovely Megan from Lazy Thoughts to do the 8 Photos of Hapinesss tag, and it's actually taken me a stupidly long time to post this because I got a bit obsessed with looking through all my old photos. But these are the photos that always make me smile, be it the memory or the people. These are some of my all time faves :-)

This is my family on holiday in Majorca when I was four. Obviously I can't remember this holiday but I just love that me and my little sister Josie are wearing matching skirts that look like tablecloths and my dad is looking at me in such a sweet way, bless him. I think it's such a cute picture!

This is a picture of my and my best friend's gorgeous little girl, Grace, on her second birthday. (She doesn't look like she likes me very much BUT SHE DOES. Honest). She's four now and a right little madam, I'm her aunty Teri and I absolutely adore her. I've been there since the day she was born and this picture just makes me so happy thinking of what a good job Hollie has done and what a lovely little girl Grace has turned out to be.

I remember being so happy when we took this picture. I went to stay with Martin's family in Scotland for last new years eve, so Martin and I went up a big hill with a wind-up torch radio thing and a picnic blanket to watch the Edinburgh Fireworks and see in the new year together in the freezing cold. It was a perfect new year and this picture always makes me think of it :-)

I just think this picture is hilarious. We both look horrendous and I bloody hate Big Pit where this picture was taken. If you are from South Wales you have definitely been forced to go a billion times, hence the toothless grimace at the camera!! It always makes me giggle!

I love this picture of Me and Martin in Budapest on one of the last days of our interrailing trip earlier this year. It was the best month of my life and I think about it every day. Budapest was definitely my favourite city and the perfect place to round off our trip. 

This is my and my best friend Aisha (left) on a night out in Uni. I literally can't ever look at this picture and not smile. SO MUCH LOVE. We don't go out much anymore, we're both in our fourth year of a psychology degree but this was such a happy time! If you're reading this Aisha (which you better be!!) sorry about everything this last few days and I love you millions!

This is my little furry baby Rosie. I bloody love her. SO SO MUCH. She is just unbelievably cute and lovely and just the best dog in the world. Oh my god I love her. This picture makes me want to get on the train and go home and visit her. HOW LUSH IS SHE???

I saved this for last because it's one of my most special ones. My parents went backpacking all over Asia before they got married and one day while they were at Base Camp Mount Everest my dad decided they should get married. "Karen, brush your teeth we're getting married." Isn't that the proposal every girl wants to hear? My mam is so pretty and my dad is so slim!! I love thinking about their life before work, money and kids became important, and this picture just sums it all up to me :-)

This ended up being a lot longer that I had planned but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
I TAG: Nadia, Ali, Angi, Emma, Hayley 
Sorry if you've already been tagged. You just obv will have to do it again... ;)


  1. Awww I loved this post, Teri :)
    Esp the pic of your mom and dad - a proposal for marriage at Base Camp Everest is amazing even if it starts with "Brush your teeth we're getting married" :)
    Grace is so cute! Rosie is such a sweet pup :)
    Thanks for the tag, girlie. I was tagged before but will put the two together if you don't mind.
    Definitely adding this to my calendar & future posts.
    xox Nadia

  2. I love that picture of us it's my fave! Love you millions too x

  3. Lovely pictures, how bloody cute is your dog?!
    Your outfit in the first picture is on point, the days when we didn't know how to choose an outfit so our mums put us in something that she swore we looked adorable in - we've all been there haha! xx

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat


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