Sunday 13 September 2015

My Not-So-Failed Life

Hi, I'm Teri, and I am a failure.
There. I said it.

This year has felt, at times, like an endless succession of failures. And understandably so.
My first blog didn't work so I had to let it go, so to speak.
My placement for my degree was an absolute disaster. (No exaggeration, trust me). 
I am skint, living in a flat I hate, and am about to go into my fourth and final year of a degree that now feels completely pointless.

Okay, self-pitying rant = over.  But you get the picture, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I imagine this feeling may be somewhat familiar to some of you...

Well stop right there!
The more I think about my failures, the more I realise I am actually kind of awesome and am exactly where I am supposed to be in my life right now.

My blog didn't work. Who cares? I'm trying again and am enjoying it a billion times more.
My flat is shit. So what? At least I'm living with my BFF and my boyfriend.
(It really is so so shit though...)

More seriously, my placement imploding was probably the best thing that could have happened. As devastating as it was at the time, I now know before too much commitment and investment (five more years of post grad studying? Uh, no thanks) that that career wasn't for me.

I have now discovered potential careers that I had never even heard of before a few months ago! I've learned so much about myself from this disastrous year (which has actually been ridiculously fun for the most part) than I could have dreamt of, and I feel so positive about the future.

Please rethink your "failures" or things that maybe just haven't gone as you had planned, and look for the silver lining. I think you will find that everything really does happen for a reason!

Teri-May xx


  1. It makes me so happy that you have managed to turn your mind around and see the positives rather than the negatives in everything! YOU GO GAL. xx

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

    1. You can either try and make something positive out of it or sit and cry and eat ice cream forever (I did both haha woops). Thanks honey ❤

  2. Love how positive you are! xoxo

  3. Amazing post! You need to turn the negatives into positives! Not sure if you've been following my transplant story (and this isn't a plug!) but when I almost went blind and spent a year and a half waiting on a donor in hope that it would work, I hit rock bottom and I had to pick myself up, change my attitude and understand that this happened to me for a reason (even if I didn't know what that reason was yet). I'm very lucky that everything was successful (cause the success rates aren't that high) and yeah, I can totally relate. You hit bumps along the way in life but I believe it makes you a better person and gives you more life experience. YOU ARE AWESOME!!

    Sorry for the seriousness of my comment by the way, haha!

    Sarah xx

    1. I have been reading your story! I've actually been trying to comment ALL THE TIME but my phone never lets me comment. I think you're amazing so I'm really glad you can relate to this, it can be so hard to see the positives but it just makes life so much better when you can :-)
      Thanks so much for your comment Sarah, it made my day! xx

  4. I love how you put all the things you struggled with and made something good out of it. I feel this way all the time and really to take some of this advice. Amazing post brighten up my day.


  5. You are super awesome and keep on shining, hon. I am so inspired by your positivity. Thanks for writing this lovely post <3
    xox Nadia

  6. You keep that positivity up! It is so right to find a silver lining in everything! I had to do that, I could easily write a similar post but I have found happiness in all of the failures. You blog is definitely one of my favourites :) x

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