Wednesday 20 July 2016

So I've Graduated... What Now?

To answer the titular question - I have not got a clue.
I know what I'd like to do, but each day I feel less and less confident that I'm able to do it right now. It's nothing so completely out of reach but I first need a bit more experience.

Is that not a word that haunts the lives of all recent graduates?
You've graduated. Maybe even with a first. From a FANTASTIC world class uni? But you can't even get an entry level job in your field because of the dreaded experience.

Oh I'm sorry. I didn't have time to get experience as I went straight from full time school as a kid to university. To better myself academically, learn and develop, struggle through four years of damn hard work. More than can be said for many others my age who are loving life traveling, working the strip in Malia or just generally chilling out. (Please don't take offense if you didn't go to uni - this isn't a dig at you. Unless you are currently living it up in Thailand in which case EFF YOU  ok ok). But yeah, my mistake for going to uni.

I didn't know it was going to fuck my life.

Because being 22 with a flat to pay for, an expensive make up and travel penchant to fund and just generally wanting to have some semblance of a life is hard without a job. But I have applied for maybe 50 jobs, some I know I am qualified for, I'm just hearing sweet eff all back.  What am I going to do? I'm considering working part time and somewhere to pay the bills while trying to get experience elsewhere. That would mean that money is tight and life is shit, though. Basically.

The two jobs I actually really really want I should hear back from in the next fortnight and, to be honest, I have no idea if I'm going to get either. I'm trying not to think too much about it because there's not an awful lot I can do until I hear back. If I don't get either, though, I truly don't know what I'm going to do. Because truthfully there's nothing else I particularly want to do, at the moment.
Have you ever scrolled through a job search, in desperate need of employment, but hate the sound of every single option? I can't bear to work a job I hate when I struggled through four years of uni to get a cracking degree. But what are my options? Answers on a postcard please.

 Life sucks.
I don't want to be a grown up anymore.
~~Cue regressing back to childhood brb going to dig out my cape and flashing trainers. 

So, yeah. Nothing productive to say or anything fulfulling to add to your life today. Soz about that. However, any words of wisdom/comfort/hilarity that can cheer me up would be a-okay with me.




  1. I'm starting my first year at college this Autumn and really hope that things are going to get better when I finish. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you get that job that you want. Good luck! xo

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

    1. I didn't get the job in the end, but I'm still looking and there's so much out there! I'm keeping my chin up :-) Good luck at college sweetie, I'm sure it'll go well for you! Xx

  2. Something will come up! And if you have to do the part time job and get experience it's only temporary and something will turn up when you least expect! Keep your chin up ☺️

    Lucy |

    1. It's so easy to feel super negative so I really appreciate your positivity, thank you! Xx

  3. Just think positively and keep applying for more jobs and something will come up. I graduate next year and whilst working part time I have done many internships, I'm hoping that this gives me the experience I need...hopefully ��

    1. You sound like you're doing everything right, keep it up! Good luck with the rest of your degree, and thank you :-) Xx

  4. I'm really sorry you feel like this but trust me your not alone. Please celebrate yourself graduating! If there's anything I learnt when I graduated was that instead of rushing head first into employment and getting stressed/depressed I should applaud my achievements and use some of the skills to help me remain positive.
    I'd always tell people to definitely get involved in volunteering whilst applying for jobs, the experience and people you'll meet are next to none!

    Good luck sweetie!

    Emmie |

    1. I didn't realise so many other graduates felt like this! I'm definitely going to start volunteering, who knows where it will take me :-) Thanks so much for the positivity xx

  5. I graduated from my masters degree in social work knowing 100% that I didn't want to go back to social work (my last placement badly messed my mind up) and I didn't have the slightest clue what to do instead. I loved my uni so I started temping in the admin and accommodation departments and realised it suited me much better. I was offered a permanent position just before I left on maternity :) my advice is to relax, recover from the stress of uni and find some temp work in different areas to see what suits you best. Often it's not the job or the pay, but the people you work with that makes a job great. Temping through and agency is a great way to see what it's like to work for a particularly company without having to commit.

    Good luck and congratulations!

    Karen x

    1. I had the same problem with my placement too, and that's why I'm struggling a bit now! Thank you so much for your advice, that's definitely what I'm going to do. I'm so glad it worked out for you in the end :-) Xx

  6. I related so much to this, I can tell you it does get better though, and experience can come from lots of different places, I always end up talking about my blog in job interviews as much as my degree! Just keep putting yourself out there and remember that you've already achieved so much!


    1. Thanks so much for your positivity! I know things will get better but it's so frustrating waiting for it! X


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