Friday 12 February 2016

DIY Sharpie Mug

I've come to realise just how differently people "do" Valentine's Day. Especially to me.

SO. MANY. WISHLISTS. All full of bags and make up and clothes and what have you.
I still read them and oggle over all the lush things people are lusting over but I'm a bit, like, "woah". 
This is not, in any way, me being judgemental. You do you. Always.

To me, though, Valentine's day is cheesy, sweet and old-school romantic. Give me a bunch of pretty flowers and a box of chocolates over a Michael Kors bag any day. (What an absolute lie - not any day at all. PLEASE CAN I HAVE THE BAG?). But you get the idea. Save the pricey gifts for birthdays and christmas.

So, if you'e more on my wavelength and don't want to spend a billion pounds on X Box games or a Lorac palette for you boo here's a little summin for ya.

Martin has made me mugs (and even a bowl) for Christmas, anniversaries, Valentine's Day and birthdays. I love absolutely every single one of them. I get the smushy feeling when I picture him painstakingly designing and making the mugs himself, it's so personal. When he gives it to me I know it's all him. What could be better than that? (Defo not a MK bag).


  • A Cheap Plain White Mug
  • Pens - if you want to be able to wash them make sure you use oil based Sharpies or pens specifically for drawing on porcelain
  • Letter Stickers
  • An oven  
Obviously, just let this inspire you. You know your other half the best, you know what they'll love. This is my favourite of the ones Martin has given me so this is what I want to show you.

Give the mug a quick wash before you start. No one likes a dirty mug.
Stick the letters on where you want them. Valentine's Day is the perfect time to get a bit cheesy with some tea puns. Who am I kidding? I'm all about tea puns ALL DAY ERR'DAY.

Once you're happy with the placement of the letters. Pick your first colour and start dotting. Concentrate the dots most in the centre and diffuse them outwards. Repeat with the rest of your colours. Go nuts.

Peel off your stickers and place the mugs in the oven. Turn the heat to 160c and allow the oven to heat with the mugs inside. Bake the mugs for 40 minutes before turning the oven off. Leave the mug in the oven until it cool.

Then you're ready to go. Present your sweetie with the world's cutest mug!
Fill it with some mini marshmallows and hot chocolate stirrers; some little chocolates; or anything to make it a more substantial present.
Don't feel limited to this design either - you can freestyle it to your heart's content. The ones Martin made me for Christmas were all hand doodled and I love them so so much. It gives you a bit more room for creativity.

So go get crafty and thank me later...
Teri-May xx



  1. Wow this is amazing! It looks so professional! I wish someone would take the time to make something like this for me xx

  2. This is such a simple yet great idea! I love the u r teariffic haha, found that hilarious!
    Charlotte ///

  3. What a fab idea you've just given me for Mother's Day haha! Homemade gifts are always that extra bit special and I can't believe how easy it is. I think even I could manage this and I'm no Picasso! x

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

  4. This looks great! What a lovely idea to take the time to make these gifts x

  5. So sweet. My kids would love to make these

  6. These look super cute! I've been wanting to make one for a long time. And I like the idea of filling them with chocolates or candies and giving them as a gift!

    Be | lovefrombe

  7. So cute! I definitely couldn't draw like that so mine would end up rubbish haha but such a lovely idea :) x


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