Wednesday 25 May 2016

18 Stages of University According to FRIENDS

With the end of my degree here and my adult life looming, I've been thinking about the trauma journey that has been the last 4 years, and how much I bloody loved it. But also, of course, simultaneously panicking and dreaming about the next couple of years.

What a weird time of life this is.

Honestly, who better understands the trials and tribulations of semi-adult life than everyone's favourite fictional New Yorkers? (Aside from all your friends and everyone else on your course...)

~~~Set the scene: A Level results day.

This is it. You're in! YOU MADE IT! Months of slaving away over A Levels is finally worth it!

Quickly followed by the sadness of moving away from home, all your friends and family as your mum leaves you alone in your empty room in halls...

...But then you meet your new flatmates for the first time and life is amazing again.

The end of freshers coupled with the tragic realisation that Uni also equals lectures/coursework/doing stuff other than chilling and getting drunk.

Literally every lecture of first year (and also second and third year, BTW).

Ok ok. Enough slacking. This is second year – time to start working hard. LOL NA JK CBA

Bullshitting your way through everything hoping no one notices you have no idea wtf you’re doing.

 Psh a 2:2 will do who needs a first? Not this girl!

Oh god Becky has a grad job already. Why don’t I have a grad job? Should I look for grad jobs? What do I even want to do with my life? I can't do anything with my degree anyway. Fuck it, I'm going travelling. Becky's a dick anyway.

Literally WTF is my degree even about? What are these words? What am I?

When you feel the end getting closer and closer. I don’t want to graduate. I don’t want to be a grown up. Why are you doing this to me?!

You're in the home stretch: final exams. I hate revising. When was the last time I left the house? I haven’t washed my hair in 8 days. I need a nap. I am not okay.


Moving out day AKA the saddest day ever. Aaaalll the tears and hysterics.

Graduation day!!!!!!!!!!

Literally wtaf do I do now?


Apologies if any innocent first years or freshers-to-be are traumatised by this post and the realisation of whats to come (#nohate), also sorry to any final years or recent graduates suffering with nostalgia or now having an existential crisis about adult life.
Did you experience these stages? Are there any I've missed out? Tell me about your (post-)uni life!

Teri-May xx

PSSSTTTT. I GOTS A SECRET FOR YA. Now that my life has changed in every single way, I feel it's only right for my blog to change with me. A Cup of T just doesn't fit with who I am or the direction I see myself going in, anymore. So keep your eyes peeled for a whoOole rebrand at the start of June. New name, new design, new err'thang. How exciting!!



  1. I really like the fact you've written a blogpost about uni and used FRIENDS gifs I absolutely love friends. I'm going to uni in September I'd really appreciate it if you could do a blogpost or just comment back of the types of things I need to take with me for my first year moving into halls or any tips?, I have no clue haha

    Claire ♥ | My Little Memoir

    1. Thanks lovely! I'm so jealous of you going to uni, you'll have the best time ever :-) I will definitely do a couple of posts, I did write a fresher's post last year if you're interested -

      teri-may xx

  2. Ha this is so accurate! It's almost four years since I graduated now and I'm still not ready for the trauma of the real world...

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  3. I graduated 10 years ago (I can't believe it was that long ago, it makes me feel SO OLD) and I do remember feeling like they didn't at all prepare any of us for actual real life. It was a bit like 'you've graduated now, pat on the back, off you go!'. I got the first job I could find in a bank, which had nothing to do with my degree (in film making) so I was predictably miserable. I remember actually crying every morning on my way to work. Don't make that mistake! Don't worry about rushing into any old thing for the sake of it, find a job you want to do, or at least spend some time figuring out what that is, even if that is via travelling around the world!

  4. "Beck is a d**k anyway". We all know a Becky, lets be honest haha.


  5. I'm starting my second year in September so it's interesting (and a bit scary) to see it from the perspective of someone who has just graduated! Also the FRIENDS gifs were on point I feel like all blog posts need them 😂
    Beth xx

  6. Hahaha this was brilliant! You summed up university using friends quotes so well :D


  7. Hahaha absolutely love this post and couldn't agree more with all of them! X


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