Friday 15 January 2016

New Year Photo Resolutions

Is anyone else a sucker for nostalgia and reminiscing through pictures and mementos? I am also a massive hoarder and keep pretty much everything - receipts, tickets, scribbled notes on napkins, you name it. I loved looking back on last last year (whaaat) so much in 2015, I wanted to make sure I could do the same this year so I wanted to print of a shit tonne of photos.

I also love displaying some of my favourite photos out and proud, not hidden in a scrapbook. But with this year being the year I finally move out of EXTREMELY SHITTY student housing and put on my big girl pants, I want a slightly more sophisticated way of displaying my photos than blue tacking them above my bed. Could I be more of a student cliche? Just turn on netflix and hand me the pot noodles. But yeah, I decided to turn my fave photos into bunting.

Photo Bunting

So, of course, to fulfil these resolutions I needed to print a lot of my favourite photos, which is where Snapfish* came in. You just upload the photos to their website and get them delivered to your door which is great for me. Cos I am about as lazy as they get. What even is outside?
I had a good old browse through my entire photo library (WHY DO I TAKE SO MANY PHOTOS) and narrowed it down to my 150 ish favourites.

I chose my favourite pretty, landscapey ones and a couple of semi-non-ugly ones of Martin and I to be turned into my bunting to display as a kind of reminder to look for the beauty in what is around is, because there is sooo much if people bother to look up from their phones for a few minutes. I also hoped it would be a way to watch my own personal photography improve and would be a way to add a bit of "us" to our new home when the time comes. Yay. The rest are to go in my lovely scrapbook that I plan on giving to Martin for our anniversary so we can continue to look back on the happy and exciting things we've done. :-)

Scrapbooking & Snapfish
#Summer Photo Scrapbook PageScrapbook PageFuture Travels Scrapbook Page

For the most part the pictures are good quality with a few anomolies, but unfortunately these were pretty bad, indeed. Some were more grainy than others but I couldn't put my finger on why some weren't as clear as others; it wasn't a clear case of phone vs camera photos.
Also, I don't know if I missed a trick and did something wrong but a lot of my pictures were cropped in such a weird way and I lost a few pictures that way, one or two ones were ones I especially wanted to display (the bike picture below, for example), but now I can't. I wish so much that I had picked a photo or two to go on some mugs, especially the travel mug which I think is faaaaab, for Martin and I as they looked amazing and are a ver reasonable price for a personalisation service, they can be so expensive!

Flowers and Bike, OxfordSnapfish Photo Fail

Do you like to print your photos or keep them on the computer?
Do you have any suggestions for how I could display mine? 


  1. This is super cute! I never even thought of doing something like this! X

    Ever wanted to know how to style 70s bell bottoms? Head over to  // BLOGLOVIN

    1. Thank you, I hope the bunting looks just as pretty once it's hanging up! X


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